Other than Gorshin's Riddler, my favorite of the Batman TV villains, Egghead.
For his eggcess of eggzasperating eggsclamations they eggcised every
eggsemplary eggspression in the dictionary. Eggcetera, eggcetera.

Some marionettes I never saw before.
Glad I didn't.

From the late Ray Steckler's "Rat Pfink a Boo Boo", part orange, part blue.
A fun novelty film if you don't mind the first half being thieves and a stalker
tagging after Carolyn Brandt's can for what must be twenty minutes; (I don't).
Or the other half a pseudo go go romp with Rat Pfink standing in a sidecar
stalwartly peering ahead through most of their chase scenes.
Anyhow, there's nothing much else like it.