Sometime in the early eighties,
I had a dream where an older,
heavier Curly Howard ran into
our garage, hurried up to an
inside balcony ledge which isn't
there and, 'to be funny', hurled
himself to the pavement in front
of me, onto his back.
It was not fatal.

In recent years, I've briefly imagined how, if Curly had survived somehow, he
would have made an odd, fun and at least passable Uncle Fester.

Tho', of course, Jackie Coogan is wonderful, as was. And Curly, being
born eleven years earlier than Coogan and at an age 61 when
"The Addams Family" series started, would necessarily have had to
perform with somewhat less vim and with more concern for his safety.
But, it's still amusing to me to imagine the possible differences.
[via abandoned yahoo profiles]:
hahahahahahahaah brillinat Rick --Vince
3/8/2010 :D -Rick