And all I remembered from it were a rooftop 'pursuit'--or more like a sliding obstruction--by men in business suits. Its overall feel & look. I knew Huston and other American wasbeens were in it. I know I saw it on TV in my room, so it must have been in the early '90s.
But, all the rest of what this fellow describes here is likely quite right. He says it better than I could.

{via defunct Yahoo Profile}:
"that looks like a good one I have been getting into sci fi reciently and saw a great film the other day called "MOON" you should check it out if you get the chance" --Vincent
"Will do." --Grimes
"Never heard of this one before (both as "Stridulum" or "The Visitor"). Nice review - 'Did John Huston lose a bet?', indeed! I kind of dig the visuals though, so am gonna try track down some day anyway. How'd director Mr. 'Paradise' ever land the likes of Mel Ferrer, Glenn Ford, Lance Henriksen, John Huston, Sam Peckinpah (?), and Shelley Winters for this thing? Wow... By the way... I second Vince's 'Moon' recommendation, Rick. It's well worth checking out some day. The director, Duncan Jones, is Davie Bowie's son (formerly named Zowie Bowie) so the man knows his 'space' stuff. The film is a nice throwback to noted influences 'Silent Running', 'Outlander', '2001: ASO'. Lead Sam Rockwell is firing on all cylinders, bringing to mind Jeremy Irons performance in Cronenberg's 'Dead Ringers' (and no, that's not a 'spoiler'). A slow-burner, though never boring." --Ryan H.
"Will definitely keep an eye out for it, fellers! Had not heard any word at all about it. Saw all those when they came out--well, '2001' was a reshowing a few years later, but in the neighborhood theatre, (long since torn down, by a church no less. The greedy baaas-tuds). I wasn't going to movies much alone yet when it came out. But, saw the ad in the paper. Forgot about Zowie existing. Rockwell is in another of my ma's faverits, one I got her to watch, 'Boxful of Moonlight'. Altogether a different sort of story." --Grimes
"What was '2001' like on the 'big screen'? Yer neighbourhood theatre was replaced by another type of 'theatre' then.... Zowie Bowie and Rolan Bolan... weren't the '70s just great! Had not heard of 'Boxful of Moonlight' before, will try catch some day. I liked Rockwell early on in things like 'Lawn Dogs' and 'The Green Mile', but not so much nowadays as he seems to play variations on the smug, slick used car salesmen type a tad too often. However, he's very good in 'Moon'." --Ryan H.